Discussion Group on Cognitive and Behavioural assessment


Many behavioural tests, especially those concerned with touch and sensory motor function involve manual administration. This raises issues about test sensitivity and bias. It is also labour intensive requiring trained testers and can make it difficult to compare results across separate sessions with different testers. The purpose of this discussion group is to review progress being made to develop automated adaptive testing procedures for cognitive and behavioural assessment and consider the extent to which they afford remote testing.

Mar 14, 2023 12:30 PM — 5:30 PM
Room 120 Hills Building - University of Birmingham
Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT


Discussion Group on Mobile/phone/home-based cognitive and behavioural assessment

Tues 14 March 12:30-17:30

Room 1.20 Hills Building, University of Birmingham

12:30 Coffee – bring your own sandwiches

13:15 Overview: Alan Wing followed by participant’s introductions

14:15 Presentations of illustrative ongoing or completed projects

15:00 Break out groups

16:00 Tea

16:30 Break out groups report back followed by Discussion

17:15 Closing comments: Alan Wing

18:00 Dinner